
A fact so obvious, it was missed

In the world’s urgency to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic, a crucial milestone got little attention: March 25 marked the first anniversary of U.S. recognition of Golan as sovereign Israeli territory.

A view of the sun set at Ein Peek overlooking the Kineret, the Sea of Galilee, in the Golan Heights on Jan. 22, 2020. Photo by Maor Kinsbursky/Flash90.
A view of the sun set at Ein Peek overlooking the Kineret, the Sea of Galilee, in the Golan Heights on Jan. 22, 2020. Photo by Maor Kinsbursky/Flash90.
Jakob Glogauer

As have the proclamations that U.S. President Donald Trump has made in the past, this one also was history-making. This move marked the first time that any other nation besides Israel recognized that the Golan Heights—a vital region for Israel’s security—is indeed part of the State of Israel.

From Twitter to the news wire, there were very few mentions of this historic decision that has been crucial piece, alongside many other proclamations as focal points of the Trump administration’s unprecedented and unwavering support for Israel, that has taken the world by storm in the past three years and change.

The world moved so quickly that most of us forget to notice and appreciate important initiatives that mean so much to the world’s only Jewish state.

Due to the unfortunate reality we are living in, under extreme measures to combat COVID-19, the world was unable to properly celebrate this momentous occasion for Israel and the Jewish people. Instead, this gave an advantage to Al-Marsad Arab center to publish a blatantly critical briefing stating their disapproval of Trump’s historic measure in stating that his administration acknowledges Israel’s right to the Golan.

This so-called “human rights” organization that supports BDS and has made many false accusations of Israel’s legal rights to the Golan Heights used this opportunity to promote its platform with facts that are simply untrue. What makes matters worse is that it has received funding in the past from institutions related to France and Germany, according to NGO Monitor.

The Golan Heights has been indigenous land to the Jewish people and Israel for more than two millennia. With amenities and attractions that set it apart from the rest of the country, its mere existence surely is worth celebrating.

From skiing down the slopes Mount Hermon—known as the “Alps of the Middle East”—or wandering down the vineyards for the luscious grapes that make Golan wine some of the finest in the world, there may not be a more diverse region in the country.

The area has historically been part of the Land of Israel, and it was finally returned to its rightful owner after the Six-Day War in 1967. There was no occupation; it was rightfully obtained by Israel. The Golan Heights Law applied in 1981 sealed this fact for Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had made it clear that he will do whatever it takes to ensure that Golan Heights “remains Israel’s forever”—and with good reason. And the Trump administration agreed, laying the groundwork needed to go ahead with the proclamation.

It was clear in Trump’s recognition speech that this move was done to protect Israel at all costs from its Iranian-funded enemies, such as Hezbollah, which is gaining traction in southern Syria. Because of this measure, the world is paying close attention to how real the security threats Israel has more than it ever has before.

The term Ha’am im HaGolan (“The people are with the Golan”) has been one that has been passed down from generation to generation. It serves great proof of the reminder that the people are indeed with the Golan Heights, regardless of where in the world they may be. Netanyahu made it clear when he declared that recognizing this fact means so much to the country.

Having personally visited this special region a mere three months ago, a similar feeling in my soul was experienced in the Golan as it was in Jerusalem, knowing that the American people stand hand in hand with Israel in recognizing the Jewish people’s lawful rights to the land.

If there is one platform to rejoice over Trump’s proclamation over the Golan Heights, this can be it. We can celebrate this occasion with passion, strength and the courage that the Jewish people have had since our very inception.

Understandably, the world passed on mentioning this decree by Trump—that the Golan Heights are part of Israel, just like any other region of the state.

Praise should be given to the Trump administration for a bold decision that will always be remembered by Israel and its people, when the leader of the free world recognized that the Jewish nation is always with the Golan, now and forever.

Jakob Glogauer is an Israel and human-rights activist based in Toronto.

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.