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SpaceIL Moon Launch

Israeli spacecraft ‘Beresheet’ sends first selfie from more than 23,000 miles away

The photo’s background shows the continent of Australia.

A photo by the Beresheet spacecraft, in which an Israeli flag can be seen on a plaque with the inscription, “Am Israel Chai,” or “the Jewish people lives,” and in English, “Small country, big dreams,” taken 23,360 miles from Earth. Credit: SpaceIL/IAI.
A photo by the Beresheet spacecraft, in which an Israeli flag can be seen on a plaque with the inscription, “Am Israel Chai,” or “the Jewish people lives,” and in English, “Small country, big dreams,” taken 23,360 miles from Earth. Credit: SpaceIL/IAI.

The Israeli lunar spacecraft “Beresheet,” the Jewish state’s first, sent a photo of itself at a distance of 23,364 miles from Earth as it is heading to the moon.

The photo’s background shows the continent of Australia.

A plaque displays Israel’s flag with the inscriptions, “Am Israel Chai” (“the Jewish people lives”) and, in English, “Small Country Big Dreams.”

The unmanned spacecraft is scheduled to land on the moon next month.
