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Tisha B’Av online series takes viewers to sites of Jewish tragedies

“One of the greater challenges with Tisha B’Av is being able to truly connect to the pain and mourning practices of the day,” says Rabbi Doron Perez.

Francesco Hayez's 1867 oil on canvas painting "The Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem" at Venice's Gallerie dell'Accademia. Both the first and second iterations of the Beit Hamikdash were razed on Tisha B’Av, hundreds of years apart. Credit: Francesco Hayez via Wikimedia Commons.
Francesco Hayez's 1867 oil on canvas painting "The Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem" at Venice's Gallerie dell'Accademia. Both the first and second iterations of the Beit Hamikdash were razed on Tisha B’Av, hundreds of years apart. Credit: Francesco Hayez via Wikimedia Commons.

In advance of Tisha B’Av, the World Mizrachi movement has launched new videos in its free online series titled “Kinot on Location.”

Organization representatives based in Israel and around the world provide explanations and insights into the customary prayers read that day from sites where specific tragedies have befallen the Jewish people over the ages.

This year, Tisha B’Av (the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av) begins after sundown on July 26 and lasts through sundown on July 27. It is marked by a 25-hour fast, and prayers and readings throughout that period.

“It is well known that one of the greater challenges with the Tisha B’Av service is being able to truly connect to the pain and mourning practices of the day when we live in a world where despite the absence of the Beit Hamikdash, Jewish communities are thriving and growing,” says Rabbi Doron Perez, executive chairman of World Mizrachi.

“The purpose of this series is to assist audiences to better appreciate the destruction via events and places that we can recognize, to personally appreciate that sense of loss,” he adds.

The sites chosen span the breadth of Jewish history—from locations of the Bar Kochba rebellion and the expulsion of Jews from Israel through the Crusades, the Holocaust and then the ongoing tragic losses from terror attacks in the 20th century.

The series features 18 different English films, including a selection in Spanish and French.

Perez says “these messages are much more critical this year amidst an increasing divisiveness in Israeli society and the Jewish world.”
