
The Washington Post’s Israel lies

The paper seems obsessed with demonizing Israel.

Headquarters of “The Washington Post.” Credit: DCStockPhotography/Shutterstock.
Headquarters of “The Washington Post.” Credit: DCStockPhotography/Shutterstock.
Michael Berenhaus
Dr. Michael Berenhaus is a freelance activist who works to combat anti-Israel bias in the media. He has been widely published in news sources such as The Economist, The New York Times and The Washington Post.

In a May 26 article headlined “Israeli agents conducted raid against militants in civilian area, killing a child,” The Washington Post engineered a targeted attack on Israel—part of the paper’s relentless obsession with demonizing the Jewish state.

The newspaper admitted that it had “synchronized 15 videos and reviewed dozens more from March 16 [when the incident occurred], including CCTV footage from surrounding businesses, some of which took nearly a month to surface. The Post also spoke to nine witnesses and obtained testimonies from four others to produce a 3D reconstruction of the raid.”

The Warren Commission did not go into such detail on the assassination of President Kennedy. The 9/11 Commission did not go into such detail on the 9/11 attacks. Nothing has come close to such detail on Ukraine.

One wonders why the Post is so obsessed with Israel.

A simpleton can see that Israel targets murderers or those planning murders in order to avoid or minimize civilian casualties, while the Palestinians unabashedly target civilians with no compunction whatsoever. In a recent article, the Post itself admitted that rockets from Gaza “fell on the roof of a kindergarten in the Eshkol region; another hit an empty playground.” To the Palestinians, Jewish children are legitimate targets.

The Washington Post does not bother to disguise its disdain for Israel—it is quite blatant. The Post has never acknowledged that Israel has a right to defend itself and Palestinian terrorists deliberately intermingle with civilians they use as human shields.

Israel spares no expense in attempting to avoid civilian casualties and data shows that their efforts are among the most careful in the world. What other country, after all, informs civilians that a raid is coming? 

Given a comparison between the IDF and other armies, including the U.S. military, one would think the Post should publish complimentary articles about how Israel humanely handles the nonstop genocidal threats against it.

These threats are made by Palestinian groups whose founding documents state that their goal is to destroy Israel and kill Jews. But the Post will never acknowledge this, nor print anything complimentary about the Jewish state. They refuse to tell the truth.

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.