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Argentina singer wins global ‘Narrow Bridge’ song contest

She and the two runners-up will perform with Nicole Raviv in Israel.

Natalia Arazi. Source: YouTube.
Natalia Arazi. Source: YouTube.

Natalia Arazi of Buenos Aires has won the “Narrow Bridge” project, the song contest co-sponsored by World Jewish Congress and Jewish National Fund-USA announced.

The contest, which called upon singers to record versions in their own languages of Nicole Raviv’s song “Narrow Bridge,” drew contestants from Kenya, South Africa, Europe, Indonesia and South Africa, according to a release.

Raviv’s song uses lyrics derived from a saying attributed to Rabbi Nachman of Breslov: “The entire world is a very narrow bridge. The main thing is not to fear at all.”

The Argentinian titled her winning Spanish version of the song “Un Puente Angosto.” She is described as a professional and international cantor, and singer in Spanish and Hebrew.

Second place went to Yaffa Livian, an Israeli who sang “Ponte molto stretto” in Italian, and Lital Peer, also an Israeli, took third place for her version in Persian. Arazi, Livian and Peer will perform in Israel with Raviv on June 7, per the release.

Yuval David, an Emmy award-winning actor, filmmaker and host, who was one of the contest judges, lauded the “richness and creativity embodied in these winners,” which  “encapsulate the essence of global Jewish peoplehood.”

“Their music has stitched us together, fostering unity amidst our diversity,” he added.
