podcastJNS TV

Serious love

"The Yishai Fleisher Show" with hosts Yishai and Malkah Fleisher, and guest Ben Bresky, Rabbi Shimshon Nadel and Rabbi Ken Spiro

On the Jewish holiday of love and reunification, Tu B’Av, Yishai and Malkah walk the streets of Jerusalem, take in great Jewish art and books and feel the redemption through their feet. Then, the rabbi of Kehilat Zichron Yosef and rosh kollel of the Sinai Kollel Shimshon Nadel talks about the joy of Tu B’Av. Next, journalist Ben Bresky presents a riveting story on the Jewish fighters of World War I. And finally, senior lecturer and researcher for Aish HaTorah Rabbi Ken Spiro discusses the value of Jewish and non-Jewish relations.

Produced by Yishai Fleisher and the Land of Israel network and part of JNS’s library, “The Yishai Fleisher Show” is a popular English-language podcast exploring Israeli life, politics and Jewish thought.

Drawing on his experience as a journalist, legal and biblical scholar, IDF soldier and spokesman for the Jewish Community of Hebron, Yishai sheds light on everything from global and Middle East news to weekly Bible/Torah study, health, family, and, of course, the amazing rebirth of Israel.

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.