update desk

Security guard stabbed in Judea terror attack, perpetrator killed

The attack occurred when an Arab man drove up to the gate of the Karmei Tzur neighborhood in Judea, opened his door, drew a knife, and engaged the security guard in hand-to-hand combat. The guard was stabbed in the hand. A second security guard opened fire, killing the attacker.

The Scene of a terror attack where a Palestinian man stabbed an Israeli security guard at the entrance to Karmei Tzur, in the West Bank on February 7, 2018. The Palestinian man was shot to death at the scene. Photo by Wisam Hashlamoun/Flash90
The Scene of a terror attack where a Palestinian man stabbed an Israeli security guard at the entrance to Karmei Tzur, in the West Bank on February 7, 2018. The Palestinian man was shot to death at the scene. Photo by Wisam Hashlamoun/Flash90

An Israeli security guard was wounded Wednesday morning in a terror attack at the entrance to the Karmei Tzur neighborhood in Judea’s Gush Etzion region.

The attack occurred when an Arab man drove up to the gate of the community, opened his door, drew a knife, and engaged the security guard in hand-to-hand combat. The guard was stabbed in the hand during the altercation. A second security guard opened fire, killing the attacker.

The wounded guard, Karmei Tzur resident Boris Balbrava, was taken to Hadassah Ein Karem Medical Center in Jerusalem for treatment.
