
Standing by Israel, not Iran

The “Haley effect”—her ability to draw attention and action from the pro-Israel community—is real, impactful and important to foster.

Then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley visits the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, in Jerusalem's Old City, on June 7, 2017. Photo by Hadas Parush/Flash90.
Then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley visits the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, in Jerusalem's Old City, on June 7, 2017. Photo by Hadas Parush/Flash90.
Shari Dollinger

Three years ago this month, I wrote of then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley’s “bold, honorable and principled” leadership. While we have gone through a global pandemic and are now under a new administration, Haley remains a “heroine for Israel.”

Most recently, I had the opportunity to accompany Ambassador Haley and Christians United for Israel (CUFI) founder and chairman Pastor John Hagee on a solidarity mission to Israel. At a time of unrest and change for our nation’s strongest ally, this trip to Israel by Haley and Hagee to visit the communities impacted by recent fighting, as well as meet with Israeli leaders across political ideologies and visit holy sites, was a much-needed extension of diplomacy during this tense time.

Not only has Haley remained a staunch supporter of Israel, but she has renewed calls for the Biden administration to stand strongly against the Iranian regime, the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism. As The Jerusalem Post reported, Haley recently, and rightfully, said that re-entering the Iranian nuclear deal would be a “death wish” for both Israel and the international community. She went on to say that President Joe Biden “falling over himself to get back into the Iran deal is pretty disgusting,” and that “Iran is never going to change its ways” nor “stop saying death to Israel.”

I agree. Time and again, Iran has shown its inability—and lack of desire—to meet the requirements of participating in our global community, instead opting for terror and harm. Just weeks ago, Iranian-backed terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip attacked Israel, and they continue their criminal activity and weapons smuggling throughout the region.

Haley went on to stand by Israel’s right to defend itself and its people, saying that, “We will make sure we are loud about what the root cause of this [war] is. Israelis deserve to be safe in their homes.” She also made a stark analogy, remarking, “If you had 4,500 rockets that went into [Washington] D.C., if any of our allies said they think we need to see restraint on both sides, I don’t think we would be very appreciative.”

Importantly, while many leaders have recently fallen short of full support for Israel, Haley has reaffirmed the United States’ unwavering ally by meeting with Israel’s new Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the intention of showing that the United States supports Israel “no matter which leaders are there.”

It’s my hope that more leaders follow Ambassador Haley’s lead in condemning Iran and supporting Israel. As I’ve noted before, the “Haley effect”—her ability to draw attention and action from the pro-Israel community—is real, impactful and important to foster. She has earned and commands respect from all she engages with, and those who hear her words and see her actions, including top diplomats and the Israelis she met with during our recent trip.

She is an exemplary role model of what it looks like to be a strong pro-Israel ally and advocate. She is unwavering in her support and not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. We have a lot to learn from Ambassador Haley, and I look forward to her continued leadership for our nation and pro-Israel advocates everywhere.

Shari Dollinger is the co-executive director of Christians United for Israel. 

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