In this week’s “In Focus,” Caroline discusses two seemingly disparate but deeply interconnected events: the leftist assault on Jews attempting to pray on Yom Kippur Eve in Tel Aviv and other places throughout Israel; and the establishment of a pseudo-academic institute in the United States called the Institute for the Study of Critical Zionism, whose purpose is to institutionalize Jew-hatred and transform the Jews into the enemy of everything good and pure in the progressive ecosystem.
Caroline runs through the left’s steadily escalating war on Judaism, Jewish worship and religious freedom in Israel—from blocking Yom Hashoah services at a synagogue in Tel Aviv to rioting at Memorial Day (Yom Hazikaron) ceremonies at military ceremonies, to blocking the public practice of traditional Judaism on Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv, Rishon Letzion, Givataim, Zichron Yaakov and Haifa.
The assault on Judaism and Israel’s Jewish character is the flip side of the left’s assault on the government and the Knesset, Israel’s elected arms of government on behalf of the judicial oligarchy of unelected self-selected post-Zionist justices.
The Institute for the Study of Critical Zionism is engaging in redefining Zionism—the Jewish national liberation movement. Under the new definition, Zionism represents everything that is evil. To fight it, the Jewish state must defend the movement that enabled its establishment. But the same anti-Jewish goon squads that blocked Jews from praying on Yom Kippur have total control over Israel’s universities and many other national institutions that must play a central role in standing up to these new antisemites.
Glick concludes that the only way for American Jews to weather the rising storm of Jew-hatred is to stand with the Israeli Jews being attacked by the fake “democracy” insurgents.