
The increasing importance of community to battle antisemitism

To combat antisemitism and hate speech, it is imperative to create and nurture healthy communities for our families, ones we form with people we have a connection to and where we can all feel safe—both physically and emotionally.

Rabbi Ari Leubitz
Rabbi Ari Leubitz

Community. It comes in all forms—and it is something we each rely on for support. Sometimes we are born into our community and inherit it from our parents. Other times, it’s a group or connection we grow and build and develop for ourselves. As Jews, we have an instant community within our schools and shuls, summer camps and community groups. The sheer nature of us all being Jewish ties us together and deeply connects us, and I believe that having a community is one of humanity’s most simple yet most important connections. However, as an educator and parent, there is one type of community that causes me great worry, because, in this type of group, antisemitism is on the rise.

Over recent years, we’ve seen a rapid climb of online “communities:” people who are bound together by joining the same app or liking the same social media content. We don’t personally know these people, their value systems, or their moral compass. They don’t know us, and along with that anonymity comes the potential for lack of respect or kindness, and quite frequently, antisemitism. People feel free to communicate with no filter or restraint, even often sharing antisemitic and anti-Israel comments or posts on our teenagers’ social media pages. You may be thinking, “Why don’t we just ignore, unfriend, or unfollow a person with questionable, mean, or antisemitic content?” As hate speech and antisemitic comments continue on social media, ignoring is not an option.

I offer that as Jews we must teach our teens the value of makloket l’shem shamayim (compassionate disagreement). Our history teaches us that questioning is encouraged. We are supposed to question and challenge one another, our teachers and even our rabbis. Doing so in a respectful, kind and compassionate way is what strengthens relationships, and teaches us to understand one another where the goal is not to simply “win” an argument. We are taught to not ignore challenges and opposition, but instead to question and discuss our concerns, questions and views.

כל מחלוקת שהיא לשם שמים סופה להתקיים ושאינה לשם שמים אין סופה להתקיים

“A debate for the sake of heaven will endure,
but a debate not for the sake of heaven will not endure.”

(Pirkei Avot / 5:17)

I’m not suggesting that we or our children remove ourselves from social media. In this current climate, I know that is not a reasonable request, nor is it realistic to monitor all the content our teens are exposed to online. What I am suggesting, is that as parents, we each must remind our families how it is our moral responsibility as Jews NOT to ignore or become desensitized to any hate speech. By the way, this internet hate speech is not solely anti-Israel or anti-Jewish—it is anti-everyone.

To combat this antisemitism and hate speech, it is imperative to create and nurture healthy communities for our families, ones we form with people we have a connection to and where we can all feel safe—both physically and emotionally. Antisemitism and hate were not created overnight—but taking the time to respectfully nudge back and compassionately disagree can start immediately. Education, I believe, is the best antidote for hate. We must empower our children with the skills they need along with the knowledge and confidence to foster strong, lifelong Jewish identities.

What better time to connect to our community and strengthen our Jewish identities than during our beautiful festival of lights? As we prepare to share the Hanukkah light with our family and friends, each of us must remember our sacred responsibility as parents and educators—to continue sharing our traditions, our knowledge, and our pride in being Jewish. We are each responsible for this continuity, and I look forward to sharing this light with you and our community. May the light of Hanukkah and the connection of community warm our hearts, and may our future be filled with light.

Rabbi Ari Leubitz is Head of School at Scheck Hillel Community School. From early childhood through grade 12, Scheck Hillel Community School educates and inspires students to become exemplary global citizens with enduring Jewish identity, values and a commitment to the State of Israel.

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.