(May 21, 2018 / PMW)
Official P.A. daily op-eds: Opening of US embassy is “a war crime” and “an American military base”
Trump is “stupid,” “a moron” and “needs rehabilitation in a mental hospital”
US and Israeli officials in Jerusalem are “a gang of Zionist robbers celebrating its theft”
Israel is “satanic Zionist plant”
Continuous hate speech against America is being published in the official Palestinian Authority daily in response to the U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem. The cartoon above depicts the embassy as a ticking bomb. It shows three domes in Jerusalem: (from left) the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Dome of the Rock and the new “U.S. Embassy” as a large hand grenade. [Official P.A. daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 16, 2018]
An op-ed in the same official daily called the embassy itself “an American military base” and its opening of it “a war crime”:
“How can it be that Israel’s future will be full of shining promises of peace, as [senior adviser to the president Jared] Kushner said while representing his President Trump at the inauguration of an American military base (sic., the U.S. embassy) in occupied Jerusalem? Those who were present at the inauguration ceremony of Trump’s embassy in Jerusalem are partners in a war crime … “
[Official P.A. daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 15, 2018]
Another said the embassy was an “outpost” to be “uprooted” and that the United States is now “the enemy”:
“[U.S. President] Donald Trump, who issued the ominous Jerusalem declaration … continues in his unparalleled stupidity to talk about peace. … The U.S. has no place in the Middle East peace. It has lost its position, qualification, and credibility. Donald Trump, who transformed it [the US] from a mediator into an enemy, is leading the hostility. … This outpost (i.e., the U.S. embassy) that Trump has established in our Jerusalem will be uprooted, and what will remain is the face of free Palestine.”
[Official P.A. daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 16, 2018]
One writer portrayed American and Israeli officials in Jerusalem as “a gang of Zionist robbers celebrating its theft.” He referred to the officials as a “gang” seven times:
“Before I watched the Zionist ceremony establishing the American outpost in occupied Palestinian Jerusalem (i.e., the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem on May 14, 2018), I was very concerned. … However, after watching I calmed down again. The reason for this is that what I saw was nothing more than a gang of Zionist robbers celebrating its theft, just like a gang of bank robbers who just finished the robbery and are now happy with what they stole, laughing hysterically and not believing that they now have millions in their possession!
What confirms this impression—that this is the celebration of a Zionist gang of robbers who stole the history and land—is the almost complete international absence …
After I watched the gang of robbers I felt great relief, because what I saw was an isolated gang acting outside of the framework of time and space, outside of the framework of history and law; a gang led by [U.S. President Donald] Trump and [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, together with blonde model Ivanka [Trump] and her little Zionist husband [Jared] Kushner. More importantly, when the dust cleared the gang was exposed in its wretched celebration, and most importantly—Jerusalem is still preserving its Palestinian Arab identity.”
[Official P.A. daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 16, 2018]
Another called to Gaza to “sprinkle your pure blood over their putrid heads [of the moron Trump and his staff]”:
“Gaza … Your enemies and the robbers of the land and the homeland are vampires who are shepherded by a rebellious cowboy (i.e., U.S. President Donald Trump) … as history is slaughtered, the facts are turned upside down in the name of the wretched promise of the moron Trump and his staff who are obsessed with Armageddon—sprinkle your pure blood over their putrid heads that are contaminated with the conduct of capitalists, that are mired in the bog of robbing the peoples and planting the satanic Zionist plant in the inhabited home and homeland.”
[Official P.A. daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 15, 2018]
The full report can be read at PMW here.
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