Chanukah discovery: Rare coins unearth Hasmonean history The cash, minted under King Alexander Jannaeus, was found in the Jordan Valley. Hanan Greenwood and Assaf Golan Dec. 30, 2024
1.5-million-year-old human vertebra uncovered in Israel’s Jordan Valley The vertebra from Ubeidiya belonged to a young individual 6-12 years old, who was tall for his age, the researchers found. Feb. 2, 2022
Ancient treasure discovered in wrecks off Caesarea coast Among the artifacts brought up are a hoard of gold and silver coins, and artifacts bearing Greek, biblical and Christian symbols. Dec. 22, 2021
1,900-year-old sarcophagus lid rescued from Ashkelon garbage dump The marble artifact from Roman times, which weighs some two tons, is believed to have been stolen from a construction site and discarded on an illegal trash heap. Dec. 21, 2021
The story of the Maccabees comes to life in the Lachish Forest Archaeologists and student volunteers unearth a destroyed fortress burned by Yohanan Horkanos the Hasmonean during a battle against the Seleucids some 2,100 years ago. Yori Yalon Nov. 16, 2021
Secrets of the Cave of the Patriarchs exposed Noam Arnon’s comprehensive doctoral dissertation proves that there is much more to the ancient site than meets the eye. Nadav Shragai Nov. 2, 2021
Rare biblical ‘Balm of Gilead’ engraving found on 2,000-year-old seal in Jerusalem “This may be the first time that a seal has been discovered in the entire world with an engraving of the precious and famous plant,” says archaeologist Eli Shukron. Oct. 21, 2021
‘Missing’ section of wall defending Jerusalem prior to Babylonian conquest unearthed in Old City The new find appears to put to rest doubts about the status of previous sections of the ancient wall that surrounded Jerusalem in the First Temple Era. Yori Yalon July 14, 2021
2,000-year-old coins found in Binyamin depict Bar Kochba Revolt An archaeological survey reveals two coins that could indicate that Jews continued to live in the Binyamin area for decades after the destruction of the Second Temple. Efrat Forsher July 13, 2021