Canadian Israeli lighting Independence Day torch bemoans growing assimilation in Diaspora “We need more Birthrights,” insists philanthropist Sylvan Adams. Etgar Lefkovits April 25, 2023
The real woke Jews If you are fixated on the identity politics of others, and wonder whether Jews should be represented on the continuum, then Yiddish is the place to start. Thane Rosenbaum Dec. 27, 2022
Diaspora Jews keep making the same mistake Herzl would recognize all too well the tragic fantasy of assimilation. Melanie Phillips Dec. 1, 2022
Mourning a failed escape from history for assimilated Jews Tom Stoppard’s “Leopoldstadt” is a brilliant depiction of a Viennese family lost to the Holocaust and a personal reckoning for an author trying to live without links to the past. Jonathan S. Tobin Oct. 3, 2022
To save the American Jewish community, we must build personal relationships We are losing our fellow Jews every day to assimilation and intermarriage, but we can change this by reaching out to others in order to bring them back to Judaism. Farley Weiss June 19, 2022
The Jewish commitment in a POC-majority America As American Jews become the object of envy by much more diverse forces, while remaining the targets of white supremacists, the respectable choice—if not the only logical one—is to look within and outwardly embrace our Jewishness. Justin Feldman Feb. 22, 2022
Assimilation is killing the Jewish people The Reform movement has failed miserably. It is up to the Orthodox to do a much better job. Joseph Frager Dec. 5, 2021
The Hanukkah story that Jews need to learn Pressure to stamp out “hard-line Judaism” came from the Hellenists—the assimilated Jews. They resented the fact that their lives were made more difficult by a minority of their own people who refused to “give up their old ways.” Nov. 7, 2021
Is the future of European Jewry in danger? Three overarching trends are changing Europe and could, as a side effect, cause the Jewish communities to decline: economic and social deterioration, massive migration from Islamic states and rising anti-Semitism. Dov Maimon July 25, 2021