Jacques Gauthier to Israel: ‘Never allow people to tell you you’re trespassers’ The international law expert has spent decades making the legal, rather than biblical or archaeological, case for Jewish sovereignty. Dave Gordon July 22, 2024
Another Palestinian state? The overriding question is whether Palestinians can ever accept the reality that land west of the Jordan River, except for the Gaza Strip, is not theirs. Jerold S. Auerbach May 30, 2024
Anti-Israel protester destroys painting of Lord Balfour, who paved way for modern Israeli state Palestine Action said the slashing and spray painting aimed to "highlight Britain's historic and current role in the colonization of Palestine which roots back to the Balfour declaration." March 8, 2024
This land is whose land? Nearly a century after Winston Churchill’s surrender of Palestinian land to the King of Transjordan, the boundaries of the Jewish state remain a continuing source of contention. Jerold S. Auerbach Feb. 16, 2024
Different Zionist experiences We must be sensitive to the unique hells we have all experienced since Oct. 7. Rabbi Uri Pilichowski Feb. 11, 2024
Are the Palestinians going to sue the United Nations? It was the League of Nations that adopted the Mandate for Palestine, making a mockery of the Palestinians’ attempts to sue Great Britain. Lt. Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch July 24, 2022
Whose promised land? The British government was “well disposed towards the Arabs in Palestine.” Still, “Palestine” does not exist, and the State of Israel thrives. Jerold S. Auerbach March 15, 2022
The distinctiveness of the Balfour Declaration It’s worth framing the historical conversation on the document with the use of firsthand observers. Asaf Romirowsky Nov. 4, 2021