Barry Shrage: ‘Anti-Racism, CRT Don’t Represent Jewish Vision of a Better World’ | ‘Top Story’ Editor-in-chief Jonathan Tobin discusses the banning of the Holocaust graphic novel “Maus” and the importance of not confusing censoring books with the need to fight critical race theory indoctrination. Jonathan S. Tobin Feb. 3, 2022
How should Jewish leaders confront challenge of BDS groups in their communities? The decision by the Boston JCRC to draw a red line against community members who align with anti-Zionist groups may have major ramifications for other Jewish areas across North America. Sean Savage Jan. 28, 2019
Israeli Americans represent a growing ‘new power’ in the Jewish Diaspora A population of first- and second-generations is soaring to more than 10 percent of the overall Jewish population in the United States and sees themselves as a bridge that can help close the widening gap between Israeli and American Jewry. Alex Traiman Dec. 3, 2018
Longtime Boston Federation president Barry Shrage looks back, forges ahead A veritable encyclopedia of Jewish history and events, he’s had his hands—and those of his organization—dug deep into nearly every major issue in contemporary Jewish life. Carin M. Smilk Aug. 24, 2018
The new face of Jewish philanthropy is innovative, younger and decidedly more female The goal, however, remains the same: to meet human needs, both in traditional ways and in smaller-scale methods that target specific passions by modern-day donors. Deborah Fineblum April 10, 2018