Today’s uprising of Muslim women could change the world We must talk about this revolution honestly, and not cower before the accusation of Islamophobia. Fiamma Nirenstein Dec. 28, 2022
The US State Department should take Bernard Lewis’s advice “Those who are unwilling to confront the past,” wrote the prolific historian, “will be unable to understand the present and unfit to face the future.” Sean Durns April 9, 2021
‘Washington Post’ amnesia on Israel and ‘annexation’ As part of Oslo, Israel withdrew from much of the West Bank and supported the creation of the Palestinian Authority. In exchange, Palestinian leaders promised to refrain from supporting terrorism. Sean Durns June 19, 2020
Bernard Lewis rests among the greats Trumpeldor cemetery is to Tel Aviv what the Père Lachaise cemetery is to Paris. Martin Kramer June 1, 2018
The extraordinary life of Bernard Lewis, 1916‒2018 The renowned Middle East scholar passed away in the United States on May 19, just 12 days shy of his 102nd birthday. Fiamma Nirenstein May 22, 2018
Bernard Lewis: 100 Years in the Making From the archives of “Mishpacha” magazine: Bernard Lewis, who (at the time this article was written) just celebrated his centennial, is the Middle East’s most venerated scholar, known for his integrity as “either a candid friend or an honest enemy.” He’s been Bibi Netanyahu’s confidant and Edward Said’s nemesis (of whom he said, “It’s hard to know where ignorance ends and deceit begins”), but mostly, he’s been the voice of clarity in a region of distorted facts and fabrications. Yonoson Rosenblum May 22, 2018