Israel stands alone with US against UNGA resolution on Cuba embargo Iranian Minister of Information and Communications Technology Sattar Hashemi is set to visit Havana next week. Nov. 1, 2024
CUNY official who hired fired ‘CNN’ commentator exits position Former state Assemblyman Dov Hikind said Robin L. Garrell leaving sends a message to “to stop hiring Jew-haters.” Aug. 31, 2023
Iran’s ayatollahs are already in America’s backyard Suspending sanctions on Iran would enable it to substantially bolster its support of the anti-U.S. Latin American governments and terrorist groups. Yoram Ettinger May 11, 2022
Problems with world peacekeeping: UN does it incompetently, corruptly and criminally Fixing everything at the United Nations that’s dysfunctional should be a priority for the Biden administration. It’s not. Clifford D. May July 21, 2021
The Jewish community must combat mainstream anti-Semitism My journey as a Latina Jew and public servant offers unexpected lessons to challenge assumptions about Jewish history and Israel. Ida R. Eblinger Kelley July 2, 2021
‘Jewbans’ prosperous in America, while brethren in Cuba ‘hangs on the precipice’ “With travel being a major facet of the local economy, we’re able to allow people to see a country wrapped in mystery and contradiction, and experience the wonders of a small, but proud Jewish community,” said Scott Berenthal. Eliana Rudee Nov. 13, 2020
Israel one of three countries to vote against UN resolution blasting US embargo on Cuba The measure passed 187-3, with Ukraine and Colombia abstaining. Nov. 7, 2019
Israeli researchers believe pesticides as likely cause of Cuban-based ‘Havana Syndrome’ Beginning in August 2017, reports surfaced that U.S. and Canadian diplomatic personnel in Cuba had suffered health problems, including headaches and loss of balance, as well as sleep and memory difficulties. Sept. 20, 2019