Commuting federal death sentences would include Tree of Life shooter, McConnell says “President Biden’s decision earlier this month to pardon his son may well have set a unique and unfortunate precedent,” the Kentucky senator said on the Senate floor. Dec. 19, 2024
Jewish death-row inmate wins new trial in Texas, citing judge’s anti-Semitic slurs One of Randy Halprin’s attorneys, Tivon Schardl, said: “A fair trial requires an impartial judge—and Mr. Halprin did not have a fair and neutral judge when his life was at stake.” Oct. 15, 2021
Jewish group denounces Arizona plan to use ‘Zyklon B’ for prisoner executions American Jewish Committee: There is something “profoundly wrong” with a state being prepared to execute a prisoner using “a method of execution that inevitably, inextricably and forever linked to the worst outrages of human history.” June 9, 2021
US Supreme Court won’t hear appeal of Jewish inmate on Texas death row Members from the Jewish community and other faith groups have been pressing for a new trial for Randy Halprin. April 6, 2020
Jewish death-row inmate receives stay of execution “The appellate court has averted, at least for the moment, an act of injustice by reaffirming that hateful and prejudicial rhetoric cannot hide behind the robe,” said American Jewish Committee general counsel Marc Stern. Jackson Richman Oct. 6, 2019
More than 100 Jewish lawyers in Texas request new trial for Jewish death-row inmate “If the allegations here are true—and they unfortunately ring true—the trial was no trial, and the verdict no verdict because the judge was no judge,” said the lawyers. Sept. 12, 2019
Religious leaders call for new trial of Jewish death-row inmate in Texas before Oct. 10 execution Two letters of support were sent by faith leaders from multiple denominations and organizations, stating, “Texas must not carry out the scheduled execution of Mr. Halprin without first guaranteeing that his trial was not tainted by an anti-Semitic judge who held a religious bias against him.” Sept. 10, 2019