Olmert admits Israel killed Hezbollah’s Mughniyeh in 2008 Imad Mughniyeh was killed when he passed by a booby-trapped car fender, according to the disgraced former prime minister. Sept. 30, 2024
The new Olmert peace plan is irrelevant The dangers of splitting Jerusalem include surrounding the city on three sides by radical Islamic elements enjoying strategic advantages. Chaim Silberstein and Hillel Fendel Sept. 18, 2024
Tired souls, Jewish souls The more we display weakness and fear, the bolder the enemies of Israel become. Yisrael Medad Oct. 26, 2023
Former PM Olmert calls to boycott Netanyahu government "I call on the United States to make a new assessment of relations with Israel for all that this implies," added the former premier. July 17, 2023
Barak urges civil revolt as anti-reform protests lose steam Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak claims that Benjamin Netanyahu is intent on destroying Israeli democracy. David Isaac June 12, 2023
Former Israeli PM Olmert calls for ‘war’ to stop judicial reform “War is not waged with speeches. War is waged in a face-to-face battle, head-to-head and hand-to-hand, and that is what will happen here,” said Ehud Olmert. Feb. 14, 2023
‘Palestine’: Two countervailing hypotheses Do the Palestinians genuinely wish to establish a state for themselves? Martin Sherman Dec. 18, 2022
Netanyahus win defamation suit against ex-Israeli premier Olmert Olmert was ordered by a Tel Aviv court to pay the Netanyahu family just over $28,000 for calling them “irreparably” mentally ill. Nov. 21, 2022
Netanyahu vs. Olmert: Comparing chalk and cheese While it may be inappropriate for someone under criminal indictment to be a candidate for or serve as prime minister, it is far more inappropriate for him/her to be precluded from doing so by abuse of the legal system. Martin Sherman Nov. 4, 2021