Police arrest anti-Israel activists on Emory campus, including faculty members As police hauled away protesters, one man yelled, “You are Hitler! You are rabid dogs! You are fascists! Shame on You!” May 1, 2024
On-campus sentiments about Israel range from antisemitism to apathy, students say Several attendees of the Israel on Campus Coalition National Leadership Summit in Washington this week shared their experiences as students. David Swindle Aug. 11, 2023
Anti-Semitism envoy nominee Deborah Lipstadt poised to battle scourge on all fronts “I am an equal-opportunity hater of anti-Semitism … if they’re expressing the anti-Semitism, I want to fight it with the same degree of strength and courage and intensity. I don’t care where it comes from—wherever it comes from, it must be fought,” said the historian and professor. Dmitriy Shapiro Nov. 5, 2021
Anti-Zionist ‘eviction’ notices appear at Emory University The fake notices were left in residence halls and posted on certain dorm-room doors as part of “Israeli Apartheid Week” on campus, which corresponds with Emory Eagles for Israel’s “Israel Week.” April 4, 2019