KKL-JNF announces $60m emergency aid package for Israel’s north and south Distribution will be based on population size, distance from the border, socio-economic status and the percentage of evacuated residents. Sept. 13, 2024
JDC continues to provide crisis care in Ukraine as third year of war begins “Losing jobs, family members and continued displacement is combined with the harshest reality that people face: increased sirens, alerts and attacks,” says Inna Vdovichenko, JDC’s representative in Odessa. Feb. 19, 2024
This is not the moment to end US aid to Israel The Jewish state can live without it, but cutting military assistance to show disdain for Netanyahu and his voters now would be a dangerous step towards ending the alliance. Jonathan S. Tobin Aug. 9, 2023
How can peace-loving Americans support Palestinians’ celebration of cold-blooded murder? Those who truly care about the cause of peace should withhold support for the Palestinians until they demonstrate an effort to end pervasive Jew hatred and cease terrorist attacks on innocents. Jason Shvili Feb. 14, 2023
Why is Germany still funding the PA and PLO? If the German chancellor was truly “disgusted” by Mahmoud Abbas’s Holocaust distortion, he would reconsider the unconditional flow of German aid to the organizations he leads. Lt. Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch Aug. 25, 2022
A ‘Marshall Plan’ for the Palestinian Authority won’t work The P.A. isn't interested in money, but in destroying Israel. Arlene Kushner July 7, 2022
Israel’s finance minister authorizes aid package for businesses hurt by COVID Businesses that prove annual revenue losses of at least 35% in January-February 2022 compared to the same months in 2019 will be eligible to receive up to $185,000. Sonia Gorodeisky March 1, 2022
Genesis Philanthropy Group commits $10 million for Ukrainian Jews “As we watch with great distress the scenes coming from Ukraine, we see it as our duty to help Jews in danger,” said GPG Chairman Gennady Gazin. March 1, 2022
156 Righteous Gentiles to receive $500,000 in stipends at holiday time Funds are earmarked towards purchasing food and other necessary items, such as medications and home heating fuel Dec. 17, 2021