Reaffirm our belief in the promise of America Radical ideologies are tearing down the ideals of the country and fueling antisemitism. That only makes the fight to preserve U.S. exceptionalism all the more important. Jonathan S. Tobin July 3, 2024
America’s birthday: On loving what we can’t stand As we celebrate July 4 this year, it’s a good time to revel in the mess of this laboratory of liberty. David Suissa July 4, 2023
America is still worth fighting for The civilizational struggle in which the left has cast the United States as an irredeemably racist nation holds important stakes for the Jewish people. Jonathan S. Tobin July 3, 2023
The Jews of July 4 No one can say that Jews did not spill their blood in order to create the United States. Joseph Frager July 2, 2023
American vs. Israeli patriotism The Fourth of July is a time to reflect on what Israel can teach America about love of country. Dr. Eric R. Mandel June 25, 2023
Independence Day: A tale of two nations While the United States and Israel share the common thread of independence, their historical contexts, cultural traditions and challenges have shaped contrasting approaches to their respective celebrations. Steve Rosenberg June 22, 2023
Aftermath of a shooting: Jewish communal leaders deconstruct Highland Park circumstances “I don’t think this is even a political issue anymore. This is about securing our community and making sure that we don’t have orphaned kids—2-year-olds—as a result of celebrating at a function like the Fourth of July,” said Lonnie Nasatir, president of the Jewish United Fund. Dmitriy Shapiro July 7, 2022
Highland Park to gather for ‘Evening of Healing and Unity’ The event will be held at the Central Avenue Synagogue, 874 Central Ave.—just blocks from the perch where a 21-year-old gunman unleashed death and destruction. Mendel Super July 7, 2022
What the Highland Park massacre hides from us Horrible news rises to the top, not because good news doesn’t matter but because bad news is more urgent. David Suissa July 7, 2022