Remembering Ross Perot’s relationship with Israel and the American Jewish community The two-time U.S. presidential candidate was a friend and a donor to various social causes. Jackson Richman July 10, 2019
Recalling tense ties between George H.W. Bush and Israel Close associates of Peres to this day point to Bush’s Secretary of State James Baker as one of the factors behind Peres’s move. Known for his critical approach to Israel, Baker issued tough demands for negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. Abraham Diskin Dec. 10, 2018
Kahlon to Mnuchin: Thanks for support of Israel’s defense of northern border The Israel Defense Forces launched “Operation Northern Shield” to discover and eliminate attack tunnels constructed by Hezbollah from Lebanon to the Jewish state. Dec. 5, 2018
When pro-Israel voters held a president accountable President George H.W. Bush’s life reminds us that character counts. But his re-election campaign illustrated what happens when pro-Israel voters get mad. Jonathan S. Tobin Dec. 4, 2018
The only good conservative is ‘a dead one’ Yes, Bush joins a long list of denigrated right-wingers who redeemed themselves with their last breaths. Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon, Ronald Reagan, John McCain and others; on their deathbeds, they all went from dangerous fascists to venerated figures. Akiva Bigman Dec. 4, 2018
As history records it, President H.W. Bush was often at odds with Israeli leaders In the flurry of praise and remembrance of the former president’s passing comes a discussion of contentious moments regarding Israel and America in the early 1990s. Steve Leibowitz Dec. 4, 2018
Remembering President George H.W. Bush: ‘A great friend of Israel, the Jewish people’ “Even Jewish Democrats such as myself, who never voted for him, appreciated the man,” said Norm Eisen, a former U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic Jackson Richman Dec. 3, 2018
My first interactions with President George H.W. Bush His personal engagement in “Operation Solomon,” which brought 15,000 Jews from Ethiopia to Israel, places him among the righteous. William Daroff Dec. 2, 2018