What goes hand in hand with cherries? Chocolate! As in hamantaschen ... check out this recipe for a “drunken” treat. Naomi Ross March 7, 2023
Grains and veggies speak to Purim culinary tradition For the festive holiday meal, many serve dishes incorporating pulses like peas, beans and nuts. Ethel G. Hofman March 7, 2023
Volunteer network brings taste of Purim to homebound in former Soviet Union Jewish community members will partake in festivals, workshops and demonstrations, and give gift baskets of food to friends and neighbors. March 6, 2020
Purim, Adar, celebration and happiness! Outside, there’s crazy dancing to blaring music, often on the tops of cars if there’s no room on the streets or sidewalks. Inside, the main symbols of Purim are festive eating and drinking. Ethel G. Hofman March 2, 2020
Healthy hamantaschen in the form of granola and gluten-free “I want Jews to celebrate holidays with the desserts their ancestors ate, yet improve upon the traditional recipes,” says cookbook author and kosher baker Paula Shoyer. Paula Shoyer March 13, 2019
No need to make Purim a whole Megillah! Try some simple and savory treats to give out as gifts to family and friends this holiday. Ethel G. Hofman March 6, 2019