Report: Conservative rabbis shouldn’t officiate interfaith weddings—yet The report aims to move "beyond a binary discussion about Jewish identity and marriage" to "countless opportunities to welcome and engage interfaith families in the beauty and meaning of Jewish community and practice." Feb. 1, 2024
Deep concerns about American Jewish leadership American Jewish leaders profess to support a Jewish and democratic Israel. Yet they blithely oppose legislation that would make the State of Israel more Jewish and more democratic. Rabbi Steven Pruzansky Feb. 2, 2023
Birthright budget problems are a communal emergency Few Jewish programs have been as effective as the one that takes young people on trips to Israel. Those who care about Jewish life need to act to prevent cutbacks. Jonathan S. Tobin Nov. 22, 2022
To save the American Jewish community, we must build personal relationships We are losing our fellow Jews every day to assimilation and intermarriage, but we can change this by reaching out to others in order to bring them back to Judaism. Farley Weiss June 19, 2022
Assimilation is killing the Jewish people The Reform movement has failed miserably. It is up to the Orthodox to do a much better job. Joseph Frager Dec. 5, 2021
Is the future of European Jewry in danger? Three overarching trends are changing Europe and could, as a side effect, cause the Jewish communities to decline: economic and social deterioration, massive migration from Islamic states and rising anti-Semitism. Dov Maimon July 25, 2021
Is there something wrong with a program that encourages in-marriage? A new study shows that the Birthright Israel program is having a positive impact on participants’ decision to marry a Jewish partner. That has angered interfaith outreach advocates. Jonathan S. Tobin Dec. 18, 2020
The difference between intermarriage and the Holocaust Assimilation is a daunting challenge for American Jews, but it doesn’t help when an Israeli rabbi/politician inappropriately compares the intermarried to the Six Million. Jonathan S. Tobin July 11, 2019