University of Michigan and Pitzer College are just the tip of the iceberg University leaders across the country must loudly condemn faculty who would implement an academic boycott of Israel that deprives students of educational opportunities and academic rights in the name of personal politics. Tammi Rossman-Benjamin Jan. 22, 2019
Lawfare Project warns University of Michigan that it’s ‘subject to liability’ “U-M has a moral and legal responsibility to address discrimination on campus, and we hope it will take swift action to fulfill that obligation,” said board chairman of the Lawfare Project, a legal think tank. Oct. 17, 2018
Educators under fire for anti-Israel sentiment and actions at University of Michigan The university announced that it will conduct a panel review consisting of “distinguished faculty members to examine the intersection between political thought/ideology and faculty members’ responsibilities to students.” Jackson Richman Oct. 12, 2018
A culture of discrimination? University of Michigan faces heat after educators’ anti-Israel bias Pro-Israel groups are calling on the university to address the latest incidents, including a lecture comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler and a second student denied a recommendation to study abroad in Israel. Jackson Richman Oct. 10, 2018
Michigan professor faces disciplinary action for denying student letter The development comes amid two anti-Israel controversies at the university, including another professor denying a letter of recommendation to study in Israel and a photo used during a lecture comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler. Oct. 10, 2018
Ignore the boycotters, and experience Israel for yourself Jewish young adults hear a range of multifaceted, complex, diverse perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that allows them to make up their own minds about the situation. Liran Avisar Ben-Horin Sept. 26, 2018
Study abroad in Turkey, anyone? Would University of Michigan Professor John Cheney-Lippold invoke the same principles of academic freedom and non-discrimination in the case of Turkey? I can find no record of him ever having spoken out against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Ben Cohen Sept. 21, 2018
Groups demand university sanction those implementing BDS at Michigan A letter supported by nearly 60 education, civil-rights and religious groups says “impeding a student’s ability to participate in a university-approved educational program in order to carry out political activism is reprehensible.” Sept. 21, 2018
Michigan professor defends denying student’s letter of recommendation to study in Israel According to John Cheney-Lippold, an associate professor in the American Culture department, this was the first time he rejected a student’s request for a letter of recommendation to study abroad anywhere, as he labeled Israel an “apartheid” nation. Jackson Richman Sept. 20, 2018