How Zionism and Americanism created a free, democratic Israel At a time of such division, it has never been more timely to look back at the history of Zionism. “Top Story” with Jonathan Tobin and guest Rick Richman, Ep. 108 Jonathan S. Tobin Aug. 31, 2023
Israel must face its identity crisis to survive Is Israel ignoring its existential problems? Has it pushed its problems under the rug for the political needs of the here and now? “Top Story” with Jonathan Tobin and guest Michael Oren, Ep. 107 Jonathan S. Tobin Aug. 24, 2023
Why we need true Jewish leaders now more than ever What is true Jewish leadership? Have we been thinking about our Jewish heroes all wrong? "Top Story" with Jonathan Tobin and guest Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, Ep. 106 Jonathan S. Tobin Aug. 17, 2023
The Israeli left is initiating a military coup By refusing to serve in the military, is the Israeli left holding the country hostage? Have we seen this before? “Top Story” with Jonathan Tobin and guest Iddo Netanyahu, Ep. 105 Jonathan S. Tobin Aug. 10, 2023
The failure of the Biden presidency Has any president failed so thoroughly domestically and internationally as Joe Biden? “Top Story” with Jonathan Tobin and guest Kimberley Strassel, Ep. 104 Jonathan S. Tobin Aug. 3, 2023
A biased press is legitimizing blood libels against Jews Four toxic elements are coming together to create a rising tide of antisemitism. “Top Story” with Jonathan Tobin and guest Richard Landes, Ep. 103 Jonathan S. Tobin July 27, 2023
American Jews should diffuse the fire, not intervene “Top Story” with Jonathan Tobin and guest Alayna Meisel, Ep. 102 Jonathan S. Tobin July 20, 2023
Why did the ADL just defend discrimination against Asians? Why have liberal Jewish groups protested the Supreme Court decisions that favor religious freedom and meritocracy? “Top Story” with Jonathan Tobin and guest William Jacobson, Ep. 101 Jonathan S. Tobin July 6, 2023
The Jews are the indigenous people of Israel Has this crucial aspect of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict been left out? “Top Story” with Jonathan Tobin and guests Farley Weiss and Len Grunstein, Ep. 100 Jonathan S. Tobin June 22, 2023