Does pro-Israel outweigh #MeToo for Cuomo? The disgraced former governor of New York is hoping that anti-woke stands and Jewish support can fuel a comeback. Does he deserve it? Jonathan S. Tobin April 19, 2023
Booker, Biden, Gillibrand wouldn’t move US embassy in Jerusalem if elected president The three would also reinstate talks towards a diplomatic solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. July 15, 2019
In debate with little foreign policy, Gillibrand pledges to ‘engage Iran to stabilize’ Mideast Like the first debate, matters such growing anti-Semitism and U.S. President Donald Trump’s pro-Israel policies were omitted from Thursday night’s showdown. Jackson Richman June 28, 2019
Record at a glance: New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand inches towards presidential run She has condemned the prevalent anti-Israel bias at the United Nations, though her stances on Iran, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and pro-Israel legislation have wavered. Jackson Richman Jan. 16, 2019
GOP candidate for US Senate visits Israel, challenges positions held by New York incumbent New York challenger Chele Farley differentiates herself from incumbent Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand when it comes to certain positions regarding Israel and the Jewish community. Eliana Rudee May 24, 2018