A collection of Israel’s history becomes history We see daily the destruction of homes and families in Israel, and, sadly, we get used to it. It starts to feel normal, but this is not normal. David Matlow Nov. 20, 2024
Memorabilia collector to display items from Jewish athletes during the Holocaust Neil Keller has collected 22,000 memorabilia items pertaining to famous Jews in sports, entertainment, politics and more. Nov. 16, 2022
European Jewish group slams Munich auction house for selling Nazi memorabilia “The message must be sent that the further development of this ‘market’ is taboo and beyond the norms of acceptability,” said Rabbi Menachem Margolin, head of the European Jewish Association. Oct. 19, 2020
Nazi memorabilia bought at auction for $660,000 given to Jewish group for safekeeping “Far-right populism and anti-Semitism are spreading all over Europe and the world,” said Swiss businessman Abdallah Chatila. “I did not want these objects to fall into the wrong hands and to be used by people with dishonest intentions.” Nov. 26, 2019