Israel-Arab-Africa summit shows path forward for new diplomatic strategy The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and Ethiopian government think tank signed a Memorandum of Understanding at Jerusalem summit. Shimon Sherman April 4, 2023
A double standard for free speech at Vanderbilt The cry-bullies—those aggressor activists who transform into victims when their ideological opponents answer back—can’t take criticism but are perfectly willing to dish it out. Richard L. Cravatts March 16, 2022
How three Israeli filmmakers wound up becoming the story in Africa Rudy Rochman, David Benaym and Noam Leibman set off for Nigeria to film a documentary on a disconnected and lesser-known Jewish community there. Instead, they were arrested and thrown into prison for weeks. Josh Hasten Aug. 4, 2021
Help free today’s black slaves in Africa So far in 2021, 1,500 Nigerians have been murdered and more than 2,000 people have been abducted or kidnapped. Charles Jacobs July 22, 2021
Family members speak on behalf of Israeli filmmakers arrested in Nigeria The group had been working for more than a year on a documentary titled “We Were Never Lost” about lesser-known Jewish communities around the world. July 16, 2021
Jews in Nigeria to distribute 250,000 meals in five cities during Ramadan food rush Partnering with the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, the food drive will see visits to small villages and wherever locals gather. May 13, 2021
Largest city in Africa gets its first full-time rabbi “Nigeria has tremendous economic potential and with its growth, the Jewish community is expected to grow as well,” said Rabbi Mendy Sternbach. Aharon Loschak Nov. 18, 2020
More than 250 Nigerian youth participate in first Jewish leadership seminar The week-long program included classes in Hebrew and Torah, lectures, Shabbat activities, singing and dancing. Sept. 5, 2019