Tehran calls for oil embargo against Israel Iran's foreign minister called "for an immediate and complete embargo by Islamic countries, including oil sanctions." Oct. 18, 2023
Siemens agrees to boycott Israel for $360 million Turkish deal The German conglomerate’s deal to provide trains may run afoul of U.S. state anti-BDS laws. June 6, 2023
Once again, the UN is set to play word games to deny the Jews their history By labeling Israel a “colonial occupier,” the Palestinians and their enablers at the UNHRC are trying to unlink Jews from their indigenous homeland and their holy sites. David M. Litman March 22, 2022
Muslim countries call for UN probe into possible human-rights violations during Israel-Gaza conflict Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Meirav Eilon Shahar called on UNHRC member states to “strongly oppose” the special session, which she called “a testament to the clear anti-Israeli agenda of this body.” May 26, 2021
Saudi Arabia bars Iran from OIC meeting on Trump plan Tehran files complaint over Saudi Arabia refusal to issue visas to Iranian delegation • Iran: No bilateral talks with US • Leaked recording shows Tehran knew immediately of downed Ukrainian Airlines Flight 752. Feb. 3, 2020