Some universities are diverse and inclusive unless you’re Jewish Students who want to stop discussion of Israel and Zionism on campus should do their homework first. Jasmine San Aug. 31, 2022
Jasbir Puar and the academy’s moral failure Universities and colleges are supposed to be beacons of light, but instead have taken the easy, profitable and cowardly path, joining the dark forces of Jew-hatred while preening themselves for promoting “social justice.” Victor Rosenthal March 8, 2020
Filmmakers boycott LGBT film festival in Tel Aviv in ‘solidarity’ with Palestinians The 15th annual TLVFest, a Tel Aviv government-sponsored festival, is set to take place from June 4 to June 13. March 3, 2020
Arab homophobia and Western indifference Gay men are driven underground in Muslim countries—Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia—where being outed means facing the ultimate sentence of death by stoning. Ben Cohen June 28, 2019
Deconstructing ‘pinkwashing’ in the Middle East Only by fighting for their recognition as human beings were LGBTQ people able to pressure governments and society at large to tear down homophobic barriers. Why would Israel be any different? Gershon Tsirulnikov April 23, 2019