Scientists revive 1,000-year-old tree possibly mentioned in Genesis The seed, dubbed "Sheba," could be the long-lost tree that produced a resin with healing properties mentioned in the Bible. David Isaac Sept. 26, 2024
Eating the fruit of the land of Israel For a Jew, consuming produce grown in Israeli soil is an act of deep connection, especially the wild plants. Shlomo Vile Sept. 6, 2024
The land of milk and honey innovates the dairy technology sector As Shavuot approaches, here are some Israeli tech companies “moooo-ving” the dairy industry into the future. Alon Turkaspa June 7, 2024
Plant with cannabis qualities opens new avenues for medical use Israeli researchers studying the wooly umbrella, or Helichrysum umbraculigerum, discovered that it produces a number of active compounds found in cannabis. Pesach Benson May 3, 2023
Tel Aviv U researchers first ever to record sounds emitted from plants The click-like sounds, similar to the popping of popcorn, are emitted at a volume similar to human speech, but at high frequencies beyond the hearing range of the human ear. March 30, 2023
New protein-based biosensor detects potato and tomato crop disease It uses genetic engineering and artificial intelligence to detect agricultural damage with an eye towards global food insecurity. March 10, 2023