Israel Police urges armed guard in every synagogue on Purim "The goal is that in all synagogues, there will be security guards, as well as trained and armed volunteers," police said. March 22, 2024
Jerusalem to hold first Purim parade since 1982 The downtown route will include 30 floats and pass seven musical stages. March 18, 2024
Israeli soldiers in Gaza to celebrate Purim on March 24, chief rabbi rules "May it be God's will that he will uproot them [Hamas] and destroy them and make them perish soon in our days,” stated Rabbi Yosef. March 3, 2024
Purim celebrated in Israel with all the usual fanfare The holiday started after sundown on Monday and continues through Tuesday evening, with Shushan Purim lasting through Wednesday. March 7, 2023
How Jews made the holiday of Purim personal “It is a story about the necessity of Jewish power as a form of group protection—of lobbying, rallying, activism and sticking one’s neck out for one’s fellow Jew,” says Wendy Zierler, a rabbi and a professor of modern Jewish literature and feminist studies at Hebrew Union College‒Jewish Institute of Religion. Sarah Ogince March 7, 2023