Holocaust survivor Ben Stern, 102, helped thwart neo-Nazi rally in Skokie Not one to be intimidated, he was among those in the large Jewish community to lead the charge to shut down an impending march in 1977. March 15, 2024
Chicago’s Hebrew Theological College marks a century-plus of Jewish life Blending Torah and general studies, the yeshivah sought to incubate a movement to repopulate the Orthodox U.S. rabbinate. Bradley Martin May 23, 2023
Israel consul in Midwest lauds father and daughter who hid Jews during Holocaust “When a person saves one life, it is as if he or she has saved the whole world. Hans Boerma and his daughter Grietje Boersma risked their own survival to save the world—six times over,” said Consul General of Israel to the Midwest Yinam Cohen. Aug. 3, 2022
Only rabbi to serve in Illinois state legislature loses Democratic primary Rabbi Yehiel Kalish, 44, was appointed in January 2019 to succeed state Rep. Lou Lang, who resigned due to a business opportunity. March 19, 2020
‘The power of young people’: Skokie teens take proactive steps to introduce Judaism to peers After grappling with an anti-Israel teacher-training course being offered in their school district, a group of Jewish students outside Chicago form a new club to demonstrate pride in their heritage. Carin M. Smilk Sept. 24, 2019
After backlash, Illinois high school district withdraws ‘Teaching Palestine’ course Niles Township stated that the lesson wasn’t developed by the district, and that “the district was never going to provide continuing education credits or lane advancement credit for the course.” Jackson Richman May 31, 2019
Illinois high school district in the spotlight for ‘Teaching Palestine’ course The lesson, according to the course description obtained by JNS, “brings together critical educators who want to teach about Palestine and the Palestine liberation struggle.” Jackson Richman May 30, 2019
Whatever happened to the ACLU? Jewish supporters need to ask why the civil-liberties defense group is supporting BDS and anti-Semitism while abandoning its First Amendment absolutism? Jonathan S. Tobin Feb. 14, 2019