Progressive Judaism ‘without Israel’ is a tool for antisemites “Diasporism” was once based in Yiddish, socialism, naiveté about the fate of Jewish Europe or American assimilation. Now it’s a weapon that aids a genocidal cause. Jonathan S. Tobin Jan. 17, 2024
The death of the ‘New Jew’ “The Caroline Glick Show” with Caroline Glick and guest Professor Elisha Haas, Ep. 67 Caroline B. Glick Aug. 22, 2023
No rainbow’s end for the Jews of Oz New Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has called Israel an “oppressor” and accused it of collective punishment against the Palestinian Arabs. Melanie Phillips May 26, 2022
The Democratic Socialists of America’s civil war over BDS Lesson learned? Even among radicals, the most militant BDS-ers are simply too unpredictable, uncompromising and unruly to cooperate with in the political arena. Eitan Fischberger April 21, 2022
Fed up with socialism and anti-Semitism, attorney seeks to clean up New York City Ukrainian-born Inna Vernikov, who practices immigration and divorce law, says she was energized to run for New York City Council by distress over the state of the city and a belief in a two-party system that provides viable checks and choices. Heather Robinson May 26, 2021
It’s time to rediscover KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov His book “Love Letter to America” explained in great detail how the USSR was working to destroy America. Ken Abramowitz Aug. 2, 2020
The only way to stop socialism is to decentralize the Internet Our government is as democratic as our Internet. Daniel Greenfield June 18, 2020
Where was Bernie when Americans fought for Soviet Jewry? Sanders is criticized for his attitude towards Cuba, but it matters that while other Jews were protesting Soviet anti-Semitism, the Socialist had other priorities. Jonathan S. Tobin Feb. 26, 2020
Blaming anti-Semitism on capitalism Some on the left are acknowledging that the hatred of Jews is a disturbing reality within our society, and not some ideologically contrived phantom. Ben Cohen Jan. 13, 2020