Who’s looking out for Israel’s cultural heritage? The majority of Israel's significant cultural sites are lesser known, fascinating spots that, like Beit Yellin, fill in the gaps of our understanding of what it took to establish a thriving Jewish state. Judy Lash Balint July 12, 2023
The bold and beautiful rewilding of Israel’s wetlands Drained, dried and diverted for decades, Israel’s wetlands are being restored to give half a billion migrating birds relief from past environmental errors. Abigail Klein Leichman Nov. 14, 2022
A guide to Israel’s fabulous feathered friends For International Bird Day, we introduce you to some of the 220 species of birds chirping their way around Israel, from gravely endangered vultures and eagles to common songbirds. Naama Barak March 30, 2021
Israelis rally to clean tar spill and avert future environmental crises Israel’s largest such disaster brings out thousands of volunteers to clean beaches and sparks a renewed call for prevention and monitoring. Abigail Klein Leichman March 3, 2021
In defense of Keren Kayemet LeIsrael’s tree-planting Some in Israel’s environmentalist community have accused the organization of “altering the native landscapes” by planting trees, but the truth is far more complex. Gary Schiff Aug. 4, 2019
Outdoor Israeli leadership program engages siblings of kids with disabilities Youngsters meet on a regular basis out in nature, where they hike and are given educational workshops on skills related to the land, and ultimately, are taught how to be guides. Josh Hasten March 10, 2019
Nature group attempts to halt JNF building plan to save desert mammals and reptiles At risk, according to the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, are the Greater Egyptian gerbil, Greater Egyptian jerboa and the Anderson’s gerbil, as well as reptiles such as the Desert monitor and Wedge-snouted skink, two indigenous lizards. Jan. 22, 2019