US consulate in Sydney vandalized, marked with pro-Hamas graffiti Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese calls for "respectful political debate." June 10, 2024
A preview of President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel Biden will make conciliatory moves towards the Palestinians that could undermine the Trump administration’s recognition of united Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Yoni Ben Menachem June 16, 2022
Stalemate on Palestinian consulate issue is all about the symbolism Jake Walles, the U.S. consul general and chief of mission in Jerusalem from 2005-2009, recently said that, for almost all practical matters, it makes little difference in the end whether the sign above the door reads, “U.S. Consulate” or “Palestinian Affairs Unit.” Mike Wagenheim Dec. 24, 2021
100-plus House Republicans introduce bill to block reopening of US consulate Rep. David Kustoff (R-Tenn.) said the proposal to reopen it would be “inconsistent” with the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995. Nov. 17, 2021
Gottheimer resists consulate in Jerusalem reopening without Israel’s consent Rep. Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey appears to be the sole Democrat that has come out against the administration’s plan, which has generated strong Republican opposition. Nov. 16, 2021
Refuting Palestinian claims about the US Jerusalem consulate The Palestinian claim that U.N. General Assembly Resolution 181 rendered Jerusalem to be international territory has absolutely no basis in law and fact. Alan Baker and Lea Bilke Nov. 11, 2021
US, Israel remain at loggerheads over consulate for Palestinians in downtown Jerusalem According to Ghaith al-Omari, a former Palestinian negotiator and senior fellow at the Washington Institute, it’s “a game of chicken. It boils down to: Does Israel want to make this into a crisis? The Bennett government has been trying to avoid public disagreements with the United States.” Dmitriy Shapiro Nov. 10, 2021
Why is the US trying to open a consulate in Jerusalem for Palestinians? This new initiative, devoid of any practical utility, is all-too-reminiscent of the misadventures of the past. Farley Weiss and Leonard Grunstein Nov. 10, 2021
Bennett, Lapid united in opposing reopening of US consulate in Jerusalem Jerusalem “is the capital of the State of Israel, only,” says Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett • Foreign Minister Yair Lapid: If the U.S. wants to open a consulate in Ramallah, we’d have no problem with that. Nov. 7, 2021