YIVO exhibit of Holocaust diary shows how teen retained ‘understanding of himself as a Jew’ The writings of Yitskhok Rudashevski, who lived in the Vilna ghetto, present a different picture of a teenager’s experience during the Shoah to Anne Frank’s. Mike Wagenheim July 15, 2024
Lithuanian, Jewish leaders mark 80th year since liquidation of Vilnius Ghetto “We must show zero-tolerance towards antisemitism,” said Yad Vashem chairman Dani Dayan at the memorial event. Sept. 21, 2023
Netanyahu touts ‘excellent relations’ in meeting with Lithuanian premier Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said that her country will push for E.U. sanctions against Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. June 12, 2023
Jewish students protest Lithuania’s glorification of Nazi collaborator A war criminal, Jonas Noreika is hailed in Vilnius and elsewhere as an anti-Soviet resistance leader. April 10, 2023
‘Jerusalem of Lithuania’ remains witness to the horrors of the Nazi genocide and their willing collaborators Lithuania’s Prime Minister Ingride Simonyte told JNS there is always more to do in terms of Holocaust education. “The main point is to be constant,” she said. “Not to just do a lot now and then nothing. It is not the intensity that matters, but the consistency.” Israel Kasnett Oct. 6, 2022
Lithuania marks 81 years since Nazis liquidated Vilnius Ghetto “We can only dream of ... what Lithuania would have been like if it had not been for the brutal hatred that blinded people,” says Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte at the memorial. Israel Kasnett Oct. 2, 2022
Lithuanian ambassador presents Netanyahu with coin, stamps honoring Vilna Gaon “I’m very grateful to you. This will be on my desk,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tells Lithuanian Ambassador to Israel Lina Antanaviciene, noting his family connection to the famous rabbi. Dec. 10, 2020
Anti-Semitic graffiti spray-painted on project depicting Jewish life in Lithuania The Lithuanian Jewish Community said on its website that the graffiti “is the latest in a series of acts of anti-Semitic vandalism of Jewish sites and statues in Vilnius and Lithuania.” Oct. 18, 2019
‘Baltic Truth’ digs up dirt on Latvian activities in World War II A small but intransigent film team is working to reveal that “national memorials to murderers lie feet away from the graves of their victims. The glorification of so-called war ‘heroes’ with Jewish blood on their hands is in full swing across the Baltic States.” Howard Blas Oct. 2, 2019