A golden age for alignment of US-Israel security interests U.S. President Donald Trump and his administration are firmly on Israel's side and show no signs of slowing down. Ariel Kahana May 13, 2019
March of the Living to focus on Greek Holocaust victims In response to the torrent of anti-Semitic events and growing global trend of hate crimes against Jews, the March of the Living will host the first-ever “Emerging Leadership Conference” in Krakow, Poland for hundreds of youth from around the world who have been impacted by anti-Semitism. May 1, 2019
The failure of Palestinian nationalism The February 2019 Warsaw Summit, which saw Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu take his seat beside Arab leaders, was a turning point that signaled the ebbing fortunes of the Palestinian cause. Alex Joffe March 11, 2019
Just another Arab-Israeli get-together … The two-day ministerial in Warsaw about Mideast peace didn’t change the world. But it did highlight ways in which the world has changed. Clifford D. May Feb. 21, 2019
Is there a chance of building Arab peace with Israel from the grass-roots up? A new subculture, fostered in large part due to social media, is driven by revulsion at Islamist terrorism, fear of Iran and its nuclear designs, and recognition of the Holocaust. Lyn Julius Feb. 21, 2019
US ambassador to Poland: Israel should apologize for Holocaust remarks Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz told Israel’s i24 news channel, “I am the son of Holocaust survivors, we will never forgive and never forget, and there were many Poles who collaborated with the Nazis.” Feb. 20, 2019
Israel’s foreign relations under attack It’s easy to understand the frustration of the Poles: They took a substantial diplomatic risk when they agreed to host the Warsaw conference on Middle East security. Eldad Beck Feb. 18, 2019
Iran and the Palestinians lose in Warsaw The Arab and international media rightly described Israel as the summit’s big winner, but also as a main player behind the scenes and in the regional developments likely to ensue. Eyal Zisser Feb. 17, 2019
In Warsaw, even the group seating shows how much has changed in Israel-Arab relations For the first time since the 1991 Madrid Conference, Arab nations sat down with Israel and announced cooperation on fighting Iran, making clear that the Israeli Palestinian conflict does not need to be resolved first as a condition for normalization. Israel Kasnett Feb. 15, 2019