‘The system has failed:’ Antisemitism flourishes in France A growing proportion of French society doesn’t agree that the problems faced by Jews are their problems as well, according to a recent survey. Ben Cohen March 24, 2023
France’s Macron to sue advertiser for depicting him as Hitler Wealthy billboard owner Michel-Ange Flori creates and distributes the posters as part of a broader backlash against the French president’s COVID-19 policy. Neta Bar Aug. 1, 2021
‘Yellow-vest’ protester convicted for attack on Jewish philosopher Finkielkraut A French court finds 36-year-old Alsace man guilty of violating country’s anti-racism laws, which prohibit verbal attacks that are based on religion, ethnicity or race. Dan Lavie July 16, 2019
The ‘yellow vests’ in France: Social protest, violence, anti-Semitism and insecurity Protesters feel that they are the victims of a disconnect between the central government and the periphery. They believe that they are systematically short-changed by government corruption and social elites who, in their view, enjoy preferential treatment. Tsilla Hershco March 1, 2019
Is Western Europe no longer safe for Jews? Virulent anti-Semitism in Britain’s Labour Party and among French “yellow-vests” populists raises uncomfortable questions about how democracies react to hate. Jonathan S. Tobin Feb. 20, 2019
French Jewish philosopher target of anti-Semitic vitriol by ‘yellow-vests’ protesters The incident was part of the latest string of increasing anti-Semitic attacks in France. Feb. 19, 2019
Anti-Semitism draped in ‘yellow vests’ Seventy-five years after the Holocaust, not much has changed. Meyer Habib Feb. 19, 2019
Underneath the yellow vests breeds the stench of anti-Semitism In Europe, while social movements and parties become more extreme in the effort of challenging populist movements, anti-Semitism increasingly takes the form of liberal movements that blame the old-party structures and consolidated elites. Fiamma Nirenstein Feb. 19, 2019
French Jews experienced 74 percent more anti-Semitic incidents in 2018 Sammy Ghozlan, head of the National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism, said the “yellow-vests” protests utilize classic anti-Semitic tropes accusing Jews of exercising disproportionate control and manipulating the government through the use of money. Feb. 12, 2019