Patagonia donated $139,000 to terror-associated charity The company “now knows that it is part of the terror funding apparatus and must take swift action,” said the Zachor Legal Institute's Marc Greendorfer. June 14, 2024
Apple blocks Islamic Jihad and PFLP Telegram channels on iPhone The channels were the main propaganda outlets of the U.S.-designated terrorist groups. Dec. 15, 2023
Apple and Google take action against Hamas propaganda At Apple's request, Telegram has blocked iPhone users from viewing at least four Hamas-linked accounts, JNS has verified. Oct. 27, 2023
‘Al Jazeera’ affiliate must be forced to register as a foreign agent Why does the Biden administration refuse to enforce a Department of Justice ruling? Irit Tratt May 7, 2023
Massachusetts ‘Mapping Project’ has ‘hallmarks of Iranian terror’ A new report from the Zachor Legal Institute indicates that the controversial map targets military bases and police stations, in addition to Jewish entities. March 1, 2023