More than 20 groups mourned Haniyeh after Iran announced his death, per report The support for a “genocidal mass murderer” shows “a horrifying, large underbelly of antisemitism and extremism,” said Ryan Mauro, of Capital Research Center. David Swindle Aug. 1, 2024
Why won’t CAIR condemn an anti-Semitic BDS map? The answer is obvious It’s because CAIR opposes Israel's existence. Steven Emerson June 27, 2022
Zahra Billoo’s anti-Semitism unleashed with CAIR’s backing She keeps warning her audiences to “pay attention to the polite Zionists” who seek to work together on other issues. Steven Emerson April 18, 2022
The hate that CAIR loves to defend Having a new faculty member at a tony private school outside Philadelphia rage against “each and every” person who supports the existence of a Jewish state—Zionists, by definition—probably isn’t the image officials wanted. Steven Emerson March 21, 2022
NGO links social-media campaign to hostage crisis at Texas synagogue A new study issued by the Network Contagion Research Institute documents that the terror situation came in the wake of a Twitter campaign for “Lady Al-Qaeda.” Feb. 10, 2022
‘You can’t say that!’ Well, they are saying it … If you don’t think the dispute between Israel and its neighbors is a war against Jews, then who do you think the parties are? Lori Lowenthal Marcus Dec. 15, 2021
Zahra Billoo criticizes ‘polite Zionists,’ the ADL responds If Jonathan Greenblatt’s tweets signal a change in how major American Jewish organizations are thinking about the hazard of anti-Semitism, then that would be welcome news. Melissa Langsam Braunstein Dec. 14, 2021
CAIR backs leader after ‘virulently anti-Semitic’ speech attacking mainstream Jewish entities “As someone who has been repeatedly attacked by Zahra Billoo for almost 15 years, I am amused that the Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Federations, Hillels and ‘Zionist synagogues’ only become upset with her when she called them out as ‘polite Zionists,’ ” said Daniel Pipes, president of the Middle East Forum. “Glad you woke up, guys, and welcome to the club.” Dmitriy Shapiro Dec. 14, 2021
Troubling social changes: NYU, CAIR and excluding mainstream Jewish society The “anti-Zionist not anti-Semitic” crowd is increasingly viewing their enemy not as a perceived evil state in the Middle East, but as a distinct group here at home in America. David M. Litman Dec. 10, 2021