update desk

US Justice Department holds event on antisemitism in Arizona

Some 150 people attended the “United Against Hate” confab outside Phoenix.

The Arizona state flag. Credit: Railway fx/Shutterstock.
The Arizona state flag. Credit: Railway fx/Shutterstock.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Arizona held an event on Jew-hatred at the Valley of the Sun Jewish Community Center in Scottsdale, Ariz., near Phoenix, last week.

Some 150 people attended the gathering, which was part of the Justice Department’s “United Against Hate” initiative.

“We remain committed to investigating and pursuing charges against those who induce fear and trauma through acts of hate directed at our fellow citizens based on their religious beliefs,” said Gary Restaino, U.S. attorney for the District of Arizona.

“We are appreciative of the Jewish community and its leaders for convening with us, and thankful most of all for the energetic participation of many students from Arizona State University,” he added. “They are our next generation of leaders and a critical voice in the community.”

Members of the local Jewish community told the U.S. attorney and local law enforcement about their “thoughts, concerns, and experiences with hate crimes and hate incidents,” the U.S. attorney’s office said.
