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JNS wins eight awards in 42nd annual AJPA journalism contest

In the last five years, JNS has won 31 Rockower Awards.

A scene from the play "Leopoldstadt," which opens in 1899 at a family Christmas party, where one of the children places a large Star of David atop the tree. Credit: "Leopoldstadt."
A scene from the play "Leopoldstadt," which opens in 1899 at a family Christmas party, where one of the children places a large Star of David atop the tree. Credit: "Leopoldstadt."

For the fifth consecutive year, JNS.org earned Rockower Awards from the American Jewish Press Association, which the AJPA handed out at its 42nd annual journalism contest and conference, held in New Orleans from July 9-12. The awards recognize work published in 2022.

JNS came home with eight Rockower Awards.

Once again, JNS won the Louis Rapaport Award for Excellence in Commentary. Editor-in-chief Jonathan Tobin earned first place in this category for columns on what’s wrong with “anti-racism,” whether Jews love the “real Israel rather than the fantasy version” and the need for supporters to draw conclusions from former President Donald Trump’s dinner with Kanye West and other antisemites.

Tobin also won second place in the category of Excellence in Arts-Review/Criticism for his review of the Broadway play “Leopoldstadt.” He was also awarded an honorable mention in the category of Excellence in Writing About Black-Jewish Relationships for his column about Dave Chappelle and normalizing black antisemitism. The three bring his total of Rockowers to date to 21.

JNS also earned first place in the category of Excellence in Writing About Health Care for Josh Hasten’s article on Magen David Adom’s subterranean blood bank.

Judy Lash Balint won second place in the category of Journalistic Excellence in Covering Zionism, Aliyah and Israel for her article on how innovation thrives on Israel’s southern border.

David Isaac received second place in the category of Excellence in Writing About Jewish Heritage and Jewish Peoplehood in Europe for a series of articles about the 2022 March of the Living in Poland.

Howard Blas won second place in the category of Excellence in Writing About Sports for his article on shomer Shabbat college basketball player Mia Raskin.

Efrat Lev. Credit: Courtesy.

Eliana Rudee got an honorable mention in the category of Excellence in Writing About Women for her article on women’s powerlifting in Israel.

In the last five years, JNS has won 31 Rockowers.

In related news, managing editor Carin M. Smilk received first place in both the Pennsylvania Press Club and the affiliated National Federation of Press Women journalism contests for the article, “Always the optimist: Netflix film on Shimon Peres spotlights political, emotional resilience.” The awards were handed out at the annual conference last month in Cincinnati.
