
Are we perilously close to a deal with Iran?

An Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) Webinar.

Reports have been leaking out for several weeks now to the effect that the Biden administration is very close to a nuclear agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Seoul and Washington have reportedly been working together to release approximately $7 billion in Iranian assets should that agreement be reached.

We all know that this would simply serve to empower this brutal, tyrannical regime, which runs terrorist proxies around the globe.

Iran has one of the worst human rights records in the world. It has been engaged in a brutal domestic crackdown, arresting over 20,000 of its own freedom-loving citizens, murdering at least 500 in the streets and hanging at least seven that we know of in public squares.

We all know that Iran has been providing Russia with drones to prosecute its brutal war against the people of Ukraine, and that it is perilously close to the possession of several nuclear bombs.

This new deal reportedly takes the 2015 permitted threshold of 3.67% highly enriched uranium and raises it to 60%, dangerously close to weapons grade. Although traces of uranium enriched past 80% have been found at several Iranian nuclear sites, the new agreement relies basically on trust, something the Islamic Republic has proven itself unworthy of on myriad occasions

Is the Biden White House perilously close to reaching a nuclear deal with Iran? And if so, what can the U.S. Congress, and we the American people, do about it?

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