
Dershowitz parts with Israeli left over ‘extortion’

Alan Dershowitz calls out the left, Simcha Rothman attacked, and demonstrations at the prime minister's home.

In a conversation with Knesset member Simcha Rothman, Professor Alan Dershowitz calls out the Israeli left for using “extortionist methods” to halt the proposed judicial reform and added that he thinks they are ” … really hurting Israel.”

This week, Caroline Glick discusses the various tactics the Israeli opposition is employing and the rising level of violence and intimidation against members of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition, its intellectual supporters and its voters.

Caroline reviews the major assaults on pro-judicial reform Knesset members and think-tankers over the past week, comparing the situation in Israel to that in the United States before moving on to discuss where the escalating attacks are taking Israel and its democracy.
