More than 100 Jewish refugees from Ukraine gathered in Poland on April 19 to celebrate a special Passover seder hosted by the Jewish Agency for Israel.
It began with a joint call for the release of the remaining hostages in the Gaza Strip with symbols of solidarity lining the room, including a table with empty chairs and pictures of the hostages in the corner of the hall.
“This year, we celebrate Passover differently, praying for the return of the hostages that remain in captivity,” said Yael Branovsky, the head of the Jewish Agency office in Poland.
February marked two years since the outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine, and more than six months have passed since the beginning of the war in Israel. Many Jews who fled the war in Ukraine are anxiously following the events in both countries.
“We have family and friends in Israel and Ukraine. We have friends and family living in cities being bombed in Ukraine, and we have cousins who recently returned from reserve duty in Gaza. From morning until night, we follow the news in Israel and Ukraine with concern; this reality is very tough, and we hope that both wars will end quickly,” said Boris and Yeugenia Fogel, an elderly couple who fled Ukraine a few days after the war began.
“We are from Zaporizhia,” they continued, “and just a few days ago, our house was bombed again. We are very worried—constantly on the phone with our relatives and friends both in Israel and Ukraine; it’s an unbearable reality.”
The Fogels are considering making aliyah (“immigration to Israel”), and are grateful for the Jewish Agency events in Poland to help maintain their Jewish practice in such a tumultuous time.
“The Jewish tradition has always been present in our lives. This evening, when we read the Haggadah together, sang and talked with members of the community who are in a similar situation, it made us feel the warmth in our hearts. For a few hours, it felt like life was normal, and we celebrated Passover as we usually do,” they added.
Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland who attended the seder, pointed out that “our strength is in our unity. I am happy to see everyone here celebrating Passover and praying for the freedom of the Jewish people.”
Branovsky said “Jewish life in the Diaspora and the connection to Israel are important at all times, especially now. It is uplifting to see such a large number of Jews who fled the war in Ukraine maintaining the Jewish tradition and connecting to Israel through the extensive activities of the Jewish Agency.”
The seder included traditional Passover plates, Haggadahs, matzah and other food for those in attendance. The participants were led by Jewish Agency madrichim (“guides”), originally from Ukraine now living and working for the Jewish Agency in Warsaw, where they read the Haggadah, sang songs, and the children searched for the afikomen.
“This year, Passover, the holiday of freedom, is different and special, said Dr. Yaakov Livneh, Israel’s ambassador to Poland, who attended the event. “We all think of the captives in Gaza and hope for their return. However, Israel is a strong country, both in spirit and in action, and knows how to defend itself. Israel is a center for Jewish life and existence in the world, and there is a place in it for every Jew who wants to make it their home.”
The multi-pronged efforts initiated by the Jewish Agency to help the Jews of Ukraine after the outbreak of war were unprecedented in scope. Within 24 hours with the assistance of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, it set up 18 emergency response centers in Ukraine and its neighboring countries of Poland, Moldova, Hungary and Romania to assist the massive wave of refugees.
Throughout the first year of the war, the Jewish Agency facilitated the aliyah of more than 15,000 Ukrainian Jews. Once they landed in the Jewish state, they were placed in hotels across the country as part of the Israeli government’s “Operation Coming Home,” which was led by the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration.