
Education is crucial to defending Israel from bias

Critical thinking, particularly related to the complex history of the Mideast, involves questioning assumptions, evaluating evidence and assessing sources.

The Israel Defense Forces down ballistic missiles fired from Iran at Israel, Oct. 1, 2024. Photo by Ayal Margolin/Flash90.
The Israel Defense Forces down ballistic missiles fired from Iran at Israel, Oct. 1, 2024. Photo by Ayal Margolin/Flash90.

Ignorance about Israel and its ongoing struggle to confront terrorist regimes on all of its borders is simply staggering. The hatred and violence directed against Israel are largely fed by perverse narratives online and in the classroom, biased journalism and social-media disinformation. Knowledge and critical thinking are the only weapons that can defend against this assault on facts that have led to open warfare and public opinion skewed in support of terror.

The stakes are high for Israel’s very survival—and American lives are on the line, too. Now is the time to reject lies and propaganda by promoting the facts and actual history of Israel and the Jewish people.

Iran’s multi-front war of annihilation intensifies

Terrorists and authoritarian regimes in Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen and Iran—the puppet master behind all of them—are targeting Israelis with deadly rockets, missiles, drones and cyber-attacks. Iran and terror groups operating in the West Bank, Syria and Iraq are also targeting Israel. Iran and its proxies continue to attack Americans around the world. In response to Iran’s continuing aggression, the United States is sending a missile-defense battery to Israel and 100 troops to operate it. Another concern is close collaboration between Russian and Iranian leaders. Iran is providing weapons to Russia in its war against Ukraine, and there are growing concerns that Russia is helping Iran with its nuclear weapons program, which is a threat to America and Israel.

Terror Groups Attacking Israel
Some of the different regional terror groups that have attacked Israel in the year since Oct. 7, 2023. Credit: Courtesy.

Bret Stephens recently wrote in a column in The New York Times that the world should hope for Israel’s victory against Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran because its success is essential for regional stability. Hamas and Hezbollah “brutalize” Palestinians and the Lebanese, who will never be able to enjoy peace and freedom under dictatorships. An Israeli victory makes peace with Arab neighbors more likely and would lead to the expansion of the 2020 Abraham Accords, especially with Saudi Arabia.

Stephens emphasized that the “American people had better hope Israel wins,” citing past attacks against Americans. He cited a litany of deadly Iranian assaults against the United States, including the embassy in Tehran, diplomats in Lebanon, troops in Iraq, Americans taken prisoner in Iran and the two Navy SEALs who died in January trying to secure commercial shipping near Yemen. Iran-backed Hamas also killed 43 Americans on Oct. 7 and took eight hostage.

New book promotes anti-Israel lies

Acclaimed African-American author Ta-Nehisi Coates recently published a book that included a section based on travels to meet Palestinians in the West Bank, drawing baseless parallels between Palestinians and the experience of black Americans under Jim Crow segregation. He condemned Israel—without ever mentioning Hamas or other Iran-backed terrorist groups—and denied the Jewish connection to Israel. His writing presents a completely one-sided narrative. Coates felt that racism in Israel and the West Bank was stronger than he felt in America. A prominent black American Jew rejected the book’s false claims and omissions.

Gaza Versus Jerusalem History
Gaza history versus Jerusalem history. Credit: Courtesy.

The book was thrust into the spotlight following Coates’s interview with a Jewish CBS News anchor who challenged that its premise “reads like the work of an extremist.”

Some staffers were angered by the host, leading network executives to state that the interview did not meet editorial standards. The anchor was forced to apologize, but he was defended by the network’s chief legal correspondent: “He prevented a one-sided account from being broadcast on our network.” Another CBS employee: “There is a huge difference between how all ethnic or minority groups are treated, and how Jews and Jewish issues are treated.”

News bias and social media: Pervasive anti-Israel narrative

The New York Times recently published a guest essay based on the testimony of medical professionals in Gaza. The author is an outspoken advocate against Israel and previously referred to Israel’s actions against Hamas as “genocide.” He and the other professionals criticized Israel without placing any blame on Hamas. The story included X-ray images of fully intact bullets that have been debunked by experts.

Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” recently addressed the importance of educating younger generations about the Middle East, with an emphasis on critical thinking. He criticized the influence of TikTok on Gen Z with biased information, particularly regarding Israel’s war against Hamas. He refuted common misconceptions, such as labeling Jews as “colonizers” in Israel and stressing that young people need to understand that Jews have always lived in the Land of Israel. He urged informed perspectives on these complex issues rather than relying on social media.

Bill Maher
American comedian Bill Maher. Source: YouTube.

Bill Maher on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” addressing singer Chappell Roan:

  • Gen Z hearts are hardened by the propaganda you see on TikTok, which likes to call the Jews “colonizers.” But colonizers are intruders who have no history in an area. Jews have always lived in their homeland. Archeology proves this.
  • Calling Jews colonizers in Israel is like calling Native Americans colonizers here. It’s ridiculous. There was never any Arab country called Palestine.
  • If you think it was repressive growing up queer in the Midwest, try the Mideast. You’re a female drag queen, and you sing. That wouldn’t fly in Gaza, although you would—straight off a roof.
  • You have who is doing the oppressing backwards. Hamas, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, ISIS and the Taliban are terrorist mafias that took over Gaza, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. These are the oppressors. When you make it all about Israel, you take the pressure off of them. You enable them.

Points to consider:

  1. Ignorance is one of the biggest threats against Jews.

Prejudice often thrives in environments where understanding Jewish history, culture and religion and the complexity of the Middle East is limited. Anti-Jewish sentiment has escalated as false narratives spread online and in the news, and many individuals unknowingly perpetuate these biases because they lack exposure to accurate information. This ignorance denies the legitimacy of Jewish identity and makes light of antisemitism. The current conflict with Iran’s terrorist proxies further highlights how misinformation is weaponized to delegitimize Israel and the Jewish people. This ignorance can only be overcome through educating communities about Jewish history and experiences.

  1. Critical thinking and basic facts are necessary to defeat ignorance.

Critical thinking is vital for analyzing information, particularly when addressing complex issues. It involves questioning assumptions, evaluating evidence and assessing sources for credibility. In today’s fast-paced media environment, where misinformation spreads rapidly, critical thinking helps individuals differentiate between fact and opinion. Rather than accepting headlines at face value, critical thinking encourages a deeper analysis of Israel’s right to self-defense, the history of the region and the motivations of adversaries. Developing these skills helps counteract biased narratives and equips people to engage thoughtfully with the complexities surrounding Israeli and Jewish news stories.

  1. Journalistic incompetence and activism contribute to the false narrative about Israel.

Some reporters openly declare that they are journalist activists pushing specific narratives, and many others cover the region with a limited background on the historical, cultural and political realities. This leads to the omission of crucial facts, misrepresentation of events and a disproportionate focus on Israeli actions while minimizing the provocations by terrorists. Headlines emphasize Israeli airstrikes without acknowledging Iranian, Hamas and Hezbollah rockets fired at Israeli civilians. This skewed coverage fuels public bias and shapes perceptions. Activism should not dictate reporting, because it distorts the truth and harms public understanding of Israel’s history and unique security challenges.

  1. Israel’s existence is vital for America.

Israel is a key U.S. strategic ally and the only stable democracy in the Middle East. Israelis share core values with Americans, including a commitment to freedom and human rights. Israel’s intelligence-sharing, military cooperation and technological innovation benefit America’s security and global interests. Israel also serves as a critical buffer against Iran’s expansionist ambitions and terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah. Economically, the partnership supports innovation in medicine, science, technology, defense, cybersecurity and agriculture, strengthening the economy and security of both nations.

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