
Irish ambassador plants tree as symbol of strengthening ties with Israel

“Operation Swords of Iron” has created increased tensions between the two countries, and sparked anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protests, alongside tough criticism from Irish politicians.

Irish Ambassador to Israel, Sonya McGuinness, plants a tree in the Ben Shemen Forest on Feb. 12, 2024. Credit: Yoav Lin, KKL-JNF Photo Archive.
Irish Ambassador to Israel, Sonya McGuinness, plants a tree in the Ben Shemen Forest on Feb. 12, 2024. Credit: Yoav Lin, KKL-JNF Photo Archive.

Sonya McGuinness, Ireland’s ambassador to Israel, planted a tree in the Ben Shemen Forest during a Keren Kayemet LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) ceremony as a symbol of strengthening ties between the two countries.

During the planting ceremony, the ambassador remarked: “We have all endured a difficult and traumatic period since Oct. 7, Israelis as well as us as guests of this country. This morning, we contemplate the fact land was here before us, and it will stay after we have gone. When we stand here together in peace, we are reminded that peace is what unites us, not what separates us.”

Israel’s “Operation Swords of Iron” has created increased tensions between Ireland and Israel, and sparked anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protests in the European country, alongside tough criticism from Irish politicians.

Last week, players on the Irish women’s basketball team refused to shake hands with their Israeli counterparts before a match between the two sides. Anti-Israel protesters also rallied outside of the Library of Trinity College Dublin, temporarily closing down the building as they called for the Irish university to boycott the Jewish state.

Nonetheless, the ambassador took part in the traditional KKL-JNF ceremony on Feb. 12 with the aim of renewing ties between the two countries.

Orna Toeg, manager of the Scotland, Ireland and South Africa section for fundraising and external relations in KKL-JNF, said: “Together we planted a tree that symbolizes hope, growth, and a message of unity. We see before our eyes a future of solidarity and mutual responsibility. I welcome the ambassador and hope for fruitful cooperation in the future between KKL-JNF and our friend, Ireland.”

Ben Shemen Forest
Ben Shemen Forest, Israel. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
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Since its establishment in 1901, KKL-JNF has been developing the land of Israel, strengthening the bond between the Jewish people and its homeland.
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